I've never had a green thumb (despite it running in my family), but I feel like now is the perfect time to start growing something. With the extra time at home and a realization of where our food comes from, I've started out small, planting a few berry bushes and some herbs in pots outside. You can even start from your kitchen scraps, regenerating stems with a sunny spot and and a dish of water. What I've been struck with is how easy it can be, especially if you have to the time to devote to it.
There are so many resources online these days, so it is easy to figure out what you need to begin and how to navigate any problems you may encounter. Decide what you'd like to accomplish and then get the tools and jump right in! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how rewarding growing a little something can be. I know I have!
I started with sprouting mung beans in some water in a bowl, then watched as they grew into substantial sprouts in 8 days after putting them in a colander with damp paper towels & watering them once a day. I've also sprouted romaine heads and celery stalks from the stems that would normally be chucked into the compost. I have to say it's lovely to wake up each morning and see how much that little bit of greenery on my kitchen counter has grown, just in a small dish of water! And my kids are always super excited to watch the changes unfold before their very eyes!
Gardening is another great way to connect to the earth energy, which is so grounding and stabilizing. In these days of constant stress, gardening can be a meditative activity that calms the mind and relaxes the body. When we feel we have a more solid footing, being more rooted to the ground brings us calm as the winds of change blow all around us, since we know we will make it through the other side. Such a great metaphor to live by and help us through these interesting times!